
Ebb and Flow: Moar Pics

Stuff from notebooks and sketchbooks:

I'm still learning and practicing French, but it's really irking to hear my classmates still mispronouncing simple things like J'ai or Je vais.

As for the other part, my French prof totally did this and it was adorable.

Continue practicing art in other classes. Like English.

We read a story about a cowboy. 

Taking some notes while watching some interviews of writers, most of whom I thought were d bags.

I sort of liked the notes I took though. Things I heard mixed with things I thought. 

More English notes. I think of molecules bouncing in a box, although technically they would just be vibrating.

We read a story by Ron Carlson called Bigfoot Stole My Wife. It was pretty sad, but Bigfoot really did take his wife.

Some sketches for the future. I don't think I ever uploaded the final charcoal one I did for my drawing class. I'll upload a poor quality version at some point because I don't want charcoal all over my scanner.

Although words may not incur physical violence, there is still much unseen abuse to be had. 

Blindly swishing these hurtful words about, who cares who is listening I don't give a fuck

It drags you down

Creepy dude in Ashland, home of ignorant haters and good theater plays

Ink is really hard to handle, but it feels really cool on paper because it doesn't absorb all the way.

The apple is not a still life, but the pottery is. lol

Why yes, I do know who Mark Ryden is. 



A still life gone wrong.


WIP Int Painting Final

5x4 foot guhhhhh It is coming along... but way too slowly. Camera photo doesn't do it justice.

Still unsure of what to do with the background and it is killing me.

Finally bought two Barbie dolls from Goodwill for references. Goodwill has so many amazing and cheap items!!!!

Also, totally stoked today because one of my classmates offered $50 for three of my 11x14 wood panel paintings woot woot! Ah but how short success can last.

As a side note: For Christmas, I think I would like a DVD player so that I can watch things on my TV... my Xbox is too old and overheats halfway through. 8****C