

Went to a Drag Show at my friend's school and saw an attractive boy in drag, who looked good in drag, and was also straight and single???? Too much perfect, avoid situation. lol 

Anyway, what my professor said about finding a style or type of stroke that says WHO I AM as an artist in my art... I've been trying to find things. It is a difficult journey 8***C 

Mostly been inspired by graffiti. Simple colors. Finally took out the massive pack of Sharpies that I have. Forgot that they existed in one of my drawers. 

Hellxia signature what.

Gonna try and start to write down a daily log briefly summarizing things that I do every day. Bought a new tiny sketchbook for it.

lol No seriously, I just created Avatar: The Last Airbender: Appa graffiti fanart. Because my friend had this piece of soap stone or whatever and she is trying to whittle it into a turtle, but THE OBVIOUS CORRECT PLAN OF ACTION would be to make it look like Appa, since it already looks like it anyway. And so I drew this.


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