
Concept Ideas

At home, we have bathroom mirror cabinet things that split into three mirrors to form one, right? Well, ever since watching The Ring and Ringu in middle school [I watched Ringu by myself wtffffff is wrong with me?], I've been super afraid of anything that gives off a reflection. Especially mirrors. And so every time I look into the bathroom mirrors, I have to check each one of them to make sure that it's me in the mirror, but it's always really scary because what if it ISN'T me [It's weird that I haven't done drugs, specifically hallucinogenic drugs.]. 

Thus spurred the idea of an installation [I have noooo idea how I would do it.] involving a three piece mirror in which the viewer's reflection would be slightly different and distorted in each of the three mirrors. I suppose I would want to evoke a sense of fear and uncertainty. However, I think this would be a selfish and mean endeavor because I would just want other people to sort of feel paranoid like I do. D8 D8 D8

Anyway, sketched some stuff today, will get those scanned once I get back up to Church, aka the Newly Established Church of Friendship, aka the Church of lulz, aka my apartment. lol. I figure that if I go on a rampage to be as offensive as I can, then I will figure something out in the end. Wherever that is. 

Why not?

Also, here is what I am currently listening to. Old, but good. 

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