
Childhood Struggles Storybook Project: Imagery Collage Example

Click to enlarge, as always. These are mostly examples, but they were kind of therapeutic. I'm not really into collaging, but I didn't want to do super artsy stuff that might intimidate people [and I'm not trying to be cocky, but I have found that it doesn't take very much to creatively intimidate people].

This is the image representing my struggle. More of an exploration on the idolization of white people for really... no good reason. This idolization has taken up most of my past 21 years, covering my pride for being Chinese-Canadian. Even when I was really into Anime and Japanese culture... there's still a whole lot of idolization of white people in Japanese culture, as well... as noted with the unnaturally large eyes, and lot of the blond-haired characters, among other nuances.

Oh, it cut off a little at the bottom [it says FIGHT on the bottom right]. This represents what empowers me. A whole lot more simple. What empowers me? Being. Being with friends. Dinosaurs. Robots that can love [because I always portray myself as apathetic, but I am an uber closet romantic]. Taco Bell [which humorously relates to my serious coming to terms and appreciating being Chinese]. Cute animals. Food. Bacon. Foooooddddd. More fooodddd. More cute animals. Animals with inappropriate names. Cartoons. Silly tattoos. Science magazines. Comic books. The APAHE conference! Oh. I totally didn't put the MCC on there. D8 The MCC IS the exploration lol

In other news, I made some okay curry today, but I undercooked the rice. WAH WAHHHHHHH

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