

I had this dream last night that had various parts, most of which I can't fully remember.

One part was pretty vivid, although I only remember a small portion of it. It had to do with this really dumb coworker I had last year. I know that sounds mean, but I'm seriously dumbfounded [no pun intended] at... well, the very existence of such a seemingly brainless and unintelligent person [I've actually found two of these people so far, and they have both been coworkers @_@].

Anyway, in part of my dream, someone pointed out a ring she was wearing.
Not exact, but the ring was a pretty thick silver one with some sort of darker metal or rubber towards the middle. The design was a little different, maybe more complex, maybe less. It reminded me of vines and dragons.

The other person inferred that the ring was one of an astrological series. She specifically noted that it was the Scorpio ring. She then asked my ex-coworker if she was a Scorpio. My ex-coworker said no, then proceeded to give some dumb explanation. All I remember was that it didn't make sense and didn't link to anything relevant. The other person and I felt awkward.

In another part of my dream, I texted a friend I met up with today in real life asking if she was free to hang out and when. Then, in my dream, I either did or thought about hitting up another friend who lives in the area, too, but I think they declined. What a pity.

When I woke up, I wasn't sure if I had already texted my friend or not. lulz.

The end.

Oh, and I guess I will add some sketches I did last night that don't need to be scanned.

This one is based on my friend from SD and his roommates. So they're in college in SD, right? They party. Their larger roommate is an Asian fob and some things just don't click with him. I guess he really loves them, so when he gets drunk, he will physically latch onto them and not let go. My friend's roommate showed me a video and it was pretty hilariously awkward. He also showed me a video where my friend gave this guy a fat cup of some strong alcohol, and this guy just drinks it all in one go like it's water, then proceeds to finish his ice cream cone. ahahahahahaha

This little lamp and watch were in front of me when I was sketching other stuff. The lamp looked really interesting, so I wanted to draw it. Then when I got to the watch, it just looked like a spider to me. I'm actually arachnophobic, no joke, and no, it is not funny. It's also gotten worse over the years, iono why. 

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