
Concepts for Independent Painting Project

Yeah, it is sort of cliche to still be talking about stereotypes and sexism, but there is such a WEALTH of subjects to be explored!

For my int. painting class, we're doing a 5x4ft painting. I'm going to propose creating images of pin-up girl faces [I like the classic ones done by Elvgren and some others] on Barbie doll bodies, focusing on their relationships to objectifying women [pin up girls] and creating a dismal role model that is physically unachievable, mentally stereotyped, and racially stereotyped [Barbie: the great white female]. 

The effect of my internship at the Multi-Cultural Center has been amazing, to put it lightly. I've been doing a lot of thinking about social justice and how I can incorporate meaningful messages in my paintings, as opposed to the usual meaningless pop shit. 

Sorry for the photo quality. Built-in webcams, you know. 

Here are four potential concepts.

"My role model is..." on the chalkboard in the background. All of the young, female students look up to pin up Barbie. They seek to look just like her when they grow older, even if physically impossible. Maybe they can pose seductively in magazines made for men, too. 

White female Barbie PREVAILS. I think I was going to put a pile of multi-racial heads in the background, but forgot. 

That is an Asian baby's face on a sexually posed Barbie body. She may not be mentally mature, but Barbie guarantees her that one day she will be sexually mature. 

That is supposed to be an Asian girl looking questioningly at a Barbie. 


  1. The concepts are so disturbing but true and needed. The very last one stuck out to me the most; sent shivers down my soul, lol. I like the idea of having all the [forgotten] multi-racial heads in the second painting. It's too bad you can't use all of them, they're all amazing ><

  2. I'm glad that you connected with them, and thank you for your feedback and support! 8]


Write shit here, I guess.