
The Value of Stress

Our last assignment was to find a b&w photo, put a grid on it, put a grid on a blank piece of paper and recreate the original b&w photo with cut out pieces from other b&w magazine photos.

Found this nice one of... Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman, I think?

UGHHHHHHHHHHH Looking back on it, I'd really have to say that this assignment stressed me out more than any other assignment I've ever done. Even the paintings.

1. I mostly LOATHE arts and crafts. I can draw, paint, play piano, whatever... but when it comes to cutting things and glueing them... DEATHHHHHHH
2. I worked on these straight through two class periods. That's about 4-6 hours of cutting these tiny pieces to paste them into a 9x12 image without talking to anyone and being really frustrated at glue and scissors and keeping track of value tones and little pieces of paper and FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Yeah, I know. I'm just a big drama queen. Complaining is how I get stress relief, alright? Cut me some slack. No pun intended lol :3

HOWEVER, I must admit that as cruel and sadistic an assignment this was, it was good for patience, detail, and... well... looking at it now, maybe not so much it's intended purpose for valuing value. @_@;;

Next assignment is a freeform self-portrait or self-expression mixed media piece. Need to get ahold of a clean TBell wrapper... HMMMM

ALSO: Living on your own is really expensive. Holy crap.

ALSO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wLWhSZ1Uvo Detektivbyrån is this AMAZING band that I was just introduced to by one of my Asian twins, Janelle. Check out that entire playlist. All those bands are soooo goooooddd! Very calm, indie, european, and quirky. Something you'd hear in.... maybe... Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind... or some other indie movie. You know. DEFINITELY RECOMMENDED!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. something that helps with these kind of assignments is to do big blocks first - then put tiny details on top. -Lin


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